disclaimer: Science for Progress is a social enterprise project by Dennis Eckmeier. Donations to Science for Progress are exclusively used to maintain and improve the project. Dennis Eckmeier can not invest donations in other projects, and potential investors (there currently are none) can not receive financial returns on profits (there currently are none of those, either). All donations are VAT-free but taxed as personal income.
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You can join the Science for Progress community by becoming a “Patron”. A patron pledges to give us a monthly amount through the crowdfunding platform Patreon. We say thank you with an exclusive, extended edition of our podcast!
Tip us via PayPal!
If you don’t want to join us as a member, you can simply tip us through PayPal! The account belongs to Dennis Eckmeier, who runs Science for Progress as part of his freelance activity.
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You can buy apparel and stuff with our logos and designs on it from Teepublic!
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