Science for Progress

because science is fundamental in the 21st century

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Survey published!

(repost from facebook, Aug 11th, 2017)

Hey, there, I made a survey for you! Just a couple of things I’m curious to know, and to figure out if there is somebody out there who wants to join our efforts! 😀


about Dennis Eckmeier

Dennis founded Science for Progress. He received a PhD in neuroscience in 2010 in Germany. Until 2018 he worked as a postdoc in the USA, and Portugal. In 2017 he co-organized the March for Science in Lisbon, Portugal. Dennis is currently a freelancer.

First intro on Facebook

(repost from facebook, Aug 9th 2017)

Hello STEM and Humanities lovers,

I’m Dennis Eckmeier and I’m a neuroscience PhD at Champalimaud Research in Lisbon, Portugal.
Since I was co-organizer at the March for Science Portugal, I’ve been thinking about what to do next to increase the support for science. I think the most powerful ally we can get are the voters, or simply: the general public!

about Dennis Eckmeier

Dennis founded Science for Progress. He received a PhD in neuroscience in 2010 in Germany. Until 2018 he worked as a postdoc in the USA, and Portugal. In 2017 he co-organized the March for Science in Lisbon, Portugal. Dennis is currently a freelancer.

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