(repost from facebook, Aug 9th 2017)
Hello STEM and Humanities lovers,
I’m Dennis Eckmeier and I’m a neuroscience PhD at Champalimaud Research in Lisbon, Portugal.
Since I was co-organizer at the March for Science Portugal, I’ve been thinking about what to do next to increase the support for science. I think the most powerful ally we can get are the voters, or simply: the general public!
There are of course many ways to address the public, but I was thinking that a good continuation of the March for Science would be to invite the people to another event: a “Sciences Convention” in Lisbon, addressing science, and science related topics important to the public.
I made a list of topics (see link) that I think would be great to have covered. It’s already a long list, but if you have additional suggestions, feel free to put them in the comments! Particularly, as an old STEMler, I’m sure humanities academics will have something to add.
And don’t forget to like and follow this site!
PS I will be looking for a local organization committee, soon. Everything is still up for grabs and discussion, including the title of this site, invited to speakers and debaters, topics, the kinds of activities at the event, the event site, funding, etc etc etc, so there will be ample opportunity to be a constructive part of the event.
PPS this site and the organization team need to be in English (my own Portuguese isn’t so great, and I want to invite international input, too), but I am actually hoping to keep the event in Portuguese.